Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The First Issue - "A Little Greener"


Vol. 1, No. 1

This is the first issue of a regularly re-occurring e-mail about matters green.  It is brought to you by the “G2 Force*”, with Administrative approval.  Your editor, will send out topical and interesting items that either come across my desk, or, the desks of my G2 colleagues, or your desks/mailboxes.  Whatever you send me I will use.  The emphasis is on the practical.


  • Polly Taylor, C-10 our new Foods Teacher invites Staff and Students to come to her room during Brunch and Passing Periods to fill up their water bottles, with good, clean, pure drinking water.  You can save $ and make a contribution to re-cycling!


  • You can save money on glass cleaner, and this makes a good all-around household cleaner as well + you are using a re-usable plastic spray bottle aren't you?

1/2 cup sudsy ammonia

1 pt. rubbing alcohol

1 tsp. dishwashing liquid

Mix these ingredients and add tap water to make 1 gallon.  Pour it into a re-useable spray bottle & you can save $ and make a contribution to re-cycling!


  • Kathy Soulard reminds us all that we can stop using plastic bags for lunches and instead buy a roll of wax paper (you know the kind your family used to use when you had lunches back in the day).  The paper can be re-used several times, plus it is much less expensive than plastic, and sometimes the less, the better.


  • A web site entitled www.earthteam.net is staffed by students and adults with a goal of promoting environmental education and activism.  Get on their list to find out how your students can get involved with other Bay area teens and create environmental change.  They sponsor a “green screen” video program + have several lesson plans available.


  • Speaking of lesson plans: The G2 Force is looking for "Environmental Lesson Plans", to complement the TUPE plans that substitutes can use when you are away.  A great way to practice sustainable teaching, when you are not in the classroom!  Send your plans to Polly Taylor, Marin Aldrich or Josh Rubin.

“G2 Force” is the preferred term for “The Greenies-Gardeners Task Force”.  No “…Greener” next week, your editor is out of town.  Next issue features:  Bleach vs. Peroxide in the best of two out of three falls. Woodside will soon be offering “Klean Kanteen & Chico Bags as a recycling fundraiser. Stay tuned. Do keep those cards and letters coming.  Herb Felsenfeld, Editor

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